Mary’s Blog

Just what is The Ayurvedic Approach, anyway?

I have always wanted to create some kind of platform that could provide support to new and seasoned practitioners to support them in their Ayurvedic businesses.  To this end, my friend and colleague, Suzanne Ropiequet and I worked together to create The Ayurvedic Approach.  We are both dedicated practitioners and educators who recognize the need for support and outreach in our community.  We believe that together we can build this network of support and continue the spread of Ayurveda throughout the US.

The Way to Better Health… Prepare » Do » Recover!

I often use this phrase when working with clients and it is a great reminder about how to live our lives while supporting our health.  We live in a world of “Doing.” We are often in the midst of going to do something and, once we’ve arrived at one place, going somewhere else to do something else. This constant movement is hard on the body and can be harder on the mind. Even when we take a break from our constant “Doing” many often turn to surfing the internet or streaming or gaming – which is just another form of “Doing”.



The Five Vayus and Vata Sleep Issues

Vata dosha is often at the heart of difficulties with sleeping, especially if your client is struggling with sleeping too little due to insomnia or sleeping at the wrong times due to flagging energy levels during the day.  One clue as to the root cause of sleep disturbances may be found in assessing their relationship with the five Vayus and determining in what way they may be living out of harmony with these vital energy forces.


The Five Vayus and Pitta Sleep Disturbances

Pitta dosha may be at the root of the sleep disturbance, especially if your client is having trouble falling asleep because they have not yet let go of the work of the day or has difficulty staying asleep and waking with an active mind, ready to jump back into work. One clue to the root cause of sleep disturbances may be found by assessing the relationship with the five Vayus and determining how they may be living out of harmony with these vital energy forces.


The Five Vayus and Kapha Sleep Challenges… Oversleeping

Some clients who experience sleep disturbances are more Kapha by nature.  These clients may be oversleeping. They fall asleep early, sleep in late, have difficulty waking, and will fall asleep any time of the day.  These are clearly not Vata dosha problems. If you have already worked with digestion and elimination, it may be time to focus your attention on ways in which you can raise the level of Prana to increase their energy.  The five Vayus will still play a role, because they help to take in and distribute energy in the body.  In this case, they are being underutilized!